Use These 5 Key Content Hacks to Easily Gain Multi-Platform Mastery!

Whether you’ve got two, three, or four platforms in your social media repertoire, these five tips will help you master them all.

Back in the olden days of digital marketing, brands and marketers lived by one saying:

“Stick to one platform and use it well.”

For a time, this saying made sense because every platform out there had its respective user types and target audience—which means that each option was better suited for a specific type of brand. YouTube was for brands that loved on videos, Facebook was for companies that were generalistic, Instragram was for businesses that wanted to merge art and metrics. 

In recent years, however, the whole “one-track-mind” approach lost its weight as platforms continued to evolve and adopt new features that were similar to other options. And this meant that brands could no longer just invest all their efforts into a single website or medium…

Today, they have to branch out their efforts into different platforms to maximize their opportunities—and this is where multi-platform mastery comes in. 

If you’ve been building your social media strategy for some time now, then chances are that you’re familiar with this practice. At some point, even, you’ve probably tried your hand at dabbling into honing your sense of multi-platform mastery to juggle two, three, or even four platforms at once to get the best results. 

But what’s the secret to successfully mastering and maximizing it? 

Well, it has a whole lot to do with learning to optimize your content for the different platforms you use. 

The thing about content optimization is that it lies at the heart of any successful attempt at multi-platform mastery. Learning to make what works for sites like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn makes all the time, effort, and money invested into a strategy generate the very returns you’re looking for. 


It’s simple: content optimization lets you leverage the preferences of users on the places you’re creating assets for while gaming the functions and algorithms of platforms to your favor. 

So how do you do it? 

Well, we’ll go over a few of our top tips and tricks that you can use to opitimize your content so you can achieve peak multi-platform mastery: 

Tip #1: Study Each Platform (and Its Users) Carefully

One of the most vital keys to creating optimized content is building a habit of studying your chosen platforms—and their respective users—carefully. 

Learning more about the platform you work with will lead you to all the insights that can help fine-tune your content strategy on a more detailed level. Usually, this is because analyzing what you work with can help point out formats that are better suited for a platform, what types of content get the most engagement, and which asset types are best supported by site. 

When you learn more about a platform, it also gives you a more details about the users you can find on it, on a deeper level. A deeper look into how things work will reveal key details about who may or may not interact with your content; such as their preferred content types, what they look for when they see a post, and what stops them in their tracks while they’re scrolling. 

In other words? Study your platforms (and their users) thoroughly—your content strategy will thank you! 

Tip #2: Test Thoroughly—and Test Often

If you were to ask the world’s most successful brands and digital marketers about what helped them master the platforms they work with, they’d tell you one thing: 


Even though you could read all the “how-to” guides on content success out there, you most likely won’t get the kind of results, signals, and “a-ha” moments you’d get with testing. This just so happens to be because each brand—and the kind of stuff they put out—is unique, which means that there are approaches that will work for you better than they would for your closest competitors. 

With the help of an approach like split testing, for example, you’ll be able to understand the platforms you work with better while getting an idea of what details work better with your audiences. And each time you test is a step closer to mastering your platform well enough to shape your future content pieces well enough to the point of being viral hits every single time. 

Tip #3: Keep an Eye Out For Emerging Trends and Back-End Developments

Like any other industry, social media is often shaped by trends and pivotal changes in systems—and this especially applies to the content you put out and the platforms you work with.

Each year (and even every quarter), new trends emerge because of both the shifting preferences users have and the changes a platform’s developers make. And it’s these constant updates that affect what strategies work, which types of content are effective, and how brands and businesses should utilize and interact with the platforms they use. 

Usually, the best way to do this is to regularly tune into social media studies and other forms of published analyses that digital marketing institutions put out. On top of required reading, it also helps to step back and look at trending pieces of content to spot new approaches and formats that you can try out in your content production strategy.

Tip #4: Stick to Each Platform’s Guidelines

Just like the world’s greatest artists, the world’s greatest digital marketers and content creators are familiar with the rules of their mediums—and, in this content, “rules” pertain to one thing: 

The guidelines that every platform you work with. 

Generally, the content-related rules and regulations your chosen platforms can be easily found with a few clicks and keystrokes. And it’s through these documents that you can better understand what you can and can’t do with your content. 

By familiarizing yourself with the guidelines of your chosen platforms, you’ll get to achieve two things that will bring you a step closer to multi-platform mastery: 

  1. Avoiding the possibility of having your published content—and even your page—removed because of avoidable mistakes, and;

  2. Creating content that complies with every platform’s guidelines—which optimizes each and every iteration to maximize a site’s features while gaining the favor of its algorithms, which will push your content to the top! 

It might sound simple, but playing by the rules can be a complete game-changer for your digital marketing strategy… so start doing it if you haven’t already! 

Tip #5: Pay Attention to Your Analytics

When it comes to gaining multi-platform mastery by creating content that works, you can’t miss out on using analytics to your advantage. 

With the help of tools like Google Analytics, Meta for Business, and LinkedIn Ads Manager, you’ll have a more quantitative way to understand which parts of your content strategy work—and which ones need improvement. And once you start analyzing your stats and figures well enough, you’ll be able to act on them and use them as game-changing insight that will help your content to the next level. 

If you’re new to analyzing your content’s performance, don’t worry—here’s a checklist of details you can use to navigate every platform’s analytics pages and make sense of the numbers you see: 

[  ] Engagement Rates — The higher, the better!

[  ] Click-Through Rates — The higher, the better!

[  ] Cost Per Lead — The lower, the better!

[  ] Reach — The higher, the better!

[  ] Impressions  — The higher, the better!

Doesn’t seem too challenging now, right? 

But, remember this: there’s always more to learn about when it comes to your analytics—so stay on top of the figures and be more proactive when it comes to learning more about them! 

Multi-Platform Mastery Is Only A Few Good Practices Away

Creating a strong and effective online presence with the help of multi-platform mastery is a process that has much to do with optimizing the content you put out on your pages. 

Once you start zoning in on your content creation process and tweaking it with the right approaches, you can bring out your brands online potential and take it to the next level. And with the help of the five tips mentioned above, you’ll get to much stronger hold on the platforms you use so you can maximize them with every asset, caption, and graphic you put out!

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