Neil W. Tyra
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The Law Entrepreneur

Featuring practical tips and valuable insights from lawyer Neil Tyra, The Law Entrepreneur is an award-winning podcast that explores the business of owning your own law firm through interviews with successful solo practitioners and entrepreneurs.

The Law Entrepreneur is the go-to podcast for lawyers looking to grow a successful practice of their own. Hosted by lawyer and entrepreneur Neil Tyra, the award-winning podcast provides valuable insights and practical tips on the business of owning a law firm, with a particular focus on starting your own practice. Through candid discussions of his own mistakes and interviews with successful solo practitioners, Neil offers a unique perspective on the challenges and opportunities of owning a law firm. The podcast also features interviews with successful entrepreneurs from outside the legal industry, offering valuable insights on creating a successful business in the digital era.

In 2022, The Law Entrepreneur engaged Deciphr Media to explore opportunities for scaling their podcast content. Our team worked closely with Neil to identify strategies to optimize content creation, foster a robust community, and expand opportunities for monetization.

Through targeted content planning, production, and promotion, we were able to help The Law Entrepreneur revamp their podcast, double their content production per episode, and build a library of high-quality content that they can develop for increased revenue opportunities.

Here's how we helped:

This is what we have achieved for Neil W. Tyra


Updated branding and designed bespoke multiplatform media assets for TLE to ensure consistent visual branding and messaging across all touchpoints


Produced 144,000+ words of written output, providing TLE with a wealth of informative, engaging, and high-quality content to share with their audience


Professionally transcribed over 640 episode minutes, ensuring that TLE's audio content is accessible and easily consumable for all listeners


Created 120+ pieces of visual assets, including stunning graphics, banners, and carousels that perfectly encapsulate TLE's brand and messaging


Extracted 160 episode highlights, providing TLE with valuable and shareable content that highlights key insights and interesting moments from their podcast


Developed a comprehensive omnichannel content plan to enhance TLE's brand recognition across multiple platforms